Tuesday, July 26, 2011


My heart beat like the wings of a hummingbird. Was this going to be a never ending story? I heard a motorcycle pull up. Dominic! I pulled myself up and struggled to get to the bathroom. My bedrooom door slammed open and my mother threw herself at me. "Get the fuck in the bathroom and fix yourself cleaned up damn bitch! Dont you know better?" She yelled into my ear. She grabbed a chunk of my hair and dragged me the rest of the way to the bathroom.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Inside Out

My chest spasmed as I sucked in breathe after breathe. I slouched down to the ground, my bedroom door pressed firmly against my back, and snatched my knees to my chest. Why did always happen? Is this going to be a never ending story? I glanced aorund my room. What I saw wasn't very comforting. Only my bed and a couple boxes scribled with my name. Lorelei. Today being only our second day in this house, the drama had already reared its ugly little head. As I looked around I felt my hair being slightly tugged. My hand trembled as I gently touched my cheek. A sort of fire erupted across my face. I quickly but carefully loosened my hair from the bleeding wound. This time wasn't as bad as it has been. About three months ago I spent two weeks in the hospital. Three fractured ribs and a broken wrist. Mom had been getting steadily worse for about five months. Five months ago marked one year since my dad had been gone.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Good News

I just wanted everybody to know that my burn has since healed so I am currently typing with both hands:)
As of right now I am trying to get the money back that I am owed. Because I want to go see Harry Potter in theaters but have no money since SHE wont pay me back. Yea you know who you are!

Kind of tired but ready for a workout. My dog kept me up till 3 in the morning whining at my door to be let in. But she would only jump on my bed and fall asleep like its hers so I left the door shut. I got up a few times to tell her to shut the hell up but it was to no prevail. So eventually I fell asleep.
Im going to go because my hands are shaking.

Monday, July 11, 2011


So I know I havent really been posting but pictures lately. Right of the bat im going to mention how hard it is to type right now. With one hand. And not even the good one! I have to use my left hand. So this post will more than likely take longer than usual.
I um.....was hungry about an hour ago. And we really need to pay a visit to the grocery store. So I just threw together some things I found in my kitchen. After I ate the stale fortune cookie that was hiding in the pantry:/
I got some mashed potatoes which were made on the stove and tossed some nuggets into the oven. By the way we have a glass stove.
So anyways I just took the poatoes off the stove and was standing there talking to my sister who was sitting on the bar stool. I said something to which I had to slap my hand down right? Well little o' me didn't see the light red light that warned that the stove was hot!!! Bam right on the stove that was turned off about a minute ago.
So my hand is burning and tingling and red and raw and everything else. I sprayed some burn medicine on it (which got into my mouth somehow, turning my tongue and lips numb) I should of known not to lick my hand *face palm*
Yea thats whats been up.

Oh and I've been doing Insanity. Ouch yeah, I can't really stand as of right now:(

Im full though so thats good........

I just recently got hooked on pokemon....again lmao.

My neice colored on a book that cost $40.

My friend is coming over so we can make spicy egg rolls :D need to catch up badly. Used to be her second home till we started to talk less. The best way to mend that is with FOOD.
Oh dont look at me like that.
Who doesn't love food?

Oh yeah and a really cute, tall, college guy just walked through my front door ^^ too bad he left quickly:(
My life sucks. Still cant feel my tongue. My lips are only tingling a little so yeah.

I think i need to go buy a johnny depp cup so that........nope not gonna finish that sentence.

I am still looking for a job but what kind of job fits me? I need a camera.

If there was a fire what would be the first thing that comes to mind? Or what would be the first thing that you would grab?
I have a hard time thinking about that and thinking like that. So I will leave you on that note:)

Monday, July 4, 2011